Thank you to Tracey for her very appreciated welcome and support at La Chandeleur’s special event in Clunes last Saturday night.

private event, chandeleur, crepes day, alliance franchise, Clunes

private event, chandeleur, crepes day, alliance franchise, Clunes


La Chandeleur (shahnduhluhr), also known as crêpes day.
Candlemas is celebrated in the churches on February 2. It is also considered as the day of crêpes.

It is a Holy Day in the Catholic Church, is celebrated each February 2nd. On this day, the Baby Jesus was presented in the temple 40 days after his birth as was custom. It also celebrates the purification of his mother, Mary.a Though crêpes are great any time of year, it’s a tradition in France to serve them on February 2, which was originally known as Virgin Mary’s Blessing day and then became known as avec Crêpe Day, referring to the ritual of offering crêpes.

Candlemas is a Christian holiday celebrated annually on February 2. It celebrates three occasions according to Christian belief: the presentation of the child Jesus; Jesus’ first entry into the temple; and it celebrates the Virgin Mary’s purification (mainly in Catholic churches).
The Feast of the Assumption of Mary (L’Assomption de Marie) celebrates the Catholic belief that the Virgin Mary’s spirit and body was assumed to heaven. It is an important occasion for village and church festivals and is a public holiday in France.